Taking CBD Oil With Diazepam - Cannabotech CBD Oils & Products Articles

Taking CBD Oil With Diazepam

Joel Taylor - writer and editor for Cannabotech
By Joel Taylor
Edited by Taj Schlebusch

Updated September 20, 2023.

Closeup of diazepam capsules

Diazepam, first marketed as Valium, is a class of drug called benzodiazepines and is used to treat anxiety, muscle spasms, and seizures. These are some of the same symptoms that people claim can be helped with the use of cannabidiol (CBD). Logical reasoning might suggest that taking them together would compound the benefits of both, but such is not always the case when discussing medications that directly influence your body's natural state.

With that being said, we can now ask the question: Can you take CBD oil with Diazepam?

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Interactions and Effects of Taking CBD and Diazepam Together

The scientific research of interactions between CBD and other drugs is quite clear. Benzodiazepines are enzyme substrates that work by enhancing the effect of a neurotransmitter known as gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which is a type of chemical that communicates either stimulating or calming messages between brain cells.

CBD interacts negatively with most enzyme substrates and causes an increased risk of side effects relating to that substrate. In the case of diazepam, some of the side effects (among others) are:

  • Drowsiness
  • Light-headedness
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Slurred speech
  • Muscle weakness
  • Memory problems
  • Nausea

Taking CBD Oil and Diazepam Together

With the potential for increased risk of side effects due to drug-to-drug interactions between the two substances, it is definitely not recommended that you take CBD products of any kind simultaneously with diazepam (or benzodiazepines of any kind). If you absolutely have to take both, then it's advised that you follow these procedures:

  • Reduce the dosage of the substrate (diazepam).
  • Avoid taking them at the same time, allowing a few hours in between doses.
  • Monitor consistently for adverse effects and, if you experience any, stop immediately and contact your doctor.

A Final Thought

Although the potential for adverse reactions due to CBD is incredibly low, and the amount needed to overdose on CBD alone is outrageously high, this absolutely does not mean that it is safe in all scenarios. Some individuals are more sensitive to it than others, and the danger increases exponentially when you take CBD in conjunction with many different kinds of medications.

You should always talk to your doctor before including CBD in your life, especially if you are on medication. They will always be willing to help, and even if they don't advocate for CBD themselves, they can still give you some insight into the potential benefits and risks.