According to a recent survey, almost one-fifth of adults in the UK have consumed CBD in the past. These may have been for pleasure or medical purposes. Most athletes in the UK use CBD after a workout to relieve the pain in their sole muscles.
But the important question that most people ask is- Does CBD show up on drug tests UK? The short answer to this question is, no, it does not. But we cannot leave it there, as there is a long answer that involves a more in-depth understanding of CBD. So, let’s dive in!
What Is CBD, and What Is It Used for?
CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a major cannabinoid compound found in the resin and the leaves of the cannabis plant. There are hundreds of other cannabinoids found in the cannabis sativa plant, of which THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol is the most potent in terms of its psychoactive effects. CBD does not share THC’s mind-altering properties. Thus, it cannot cause you to get “high.” CBD is retailed in oils, tinctures, topicals, edibles, and vape cartridges.
CBD is a natural remedy for stress, depression, anxiety, inflammations in the body, etc. It can put you in a pleasant mood and help you to get undisturbed sleep. In rare cases, CBD may also be prescribed for patients with epilepsy, cancer, and multiple sclerosis.
Is CBD Legal in the UK?
Most of you reading this article have come here, particularly for the answer to this question. You would be happy to know that CBD consumption is legal in the UK. But there is a caveat. Under UK law, CBD is classified as a Class B drug, like ketamine and amphetamines. The law dictates that any CBD products retailed in the UK markets must contain no more than 0.2% THC.
THC in a higher volume in CBD products can cause users to feel high and lead to addiction and other negative side effects. Despite this law, many retailers sell CBD with a higher concentration of THC. Thus, you must be vigilant when purchasing CBD products to ensure that you are on the right side of the law.
What Are the Different Types of CBD?
Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a naturally occurring compound extracted from the cannabis plant. But there are many species of cannabis out there. These species have their own chemical compositions, affecting the CBD type found in them. Broadly speaking, there are three types of CBD products. These are:
● Full-spectrum CBD: These contain every compound that is inherently present in cannabis plants. These compounds are terpenes, flavonoids, and cannabinoids that include THC. Full-spectrum CBD products may contain a small quantity of THC. However, in the UK, it needs to have less than 0.2% THC, or it would be illegal to sell them.
● Broad-spectrum CBD: Same as full-spectrum CBD products, these contain all the compounds normally present in a cannabis plant. However, in these CBD products, the THC has been completely removed. Therefore, there is no chance of them being illegal. These are commonly retailed as oils.
● CBD isolate: These CBD products carry pure CBD. They do not contain any secondary compounds from the hemp plant. These products also are not likely to contain any THC.
Does CBD Show Up On Drug Tests?
Your initial query before reading this article was, does CBD show up on drug tests UK? Cannabis in itself will not show up on any drug tests. Whenever a sample, such as blood, urine, hair, or saliva, is tested for cannabinoids, it is analyzed to detect the percentage of THC. If the test shows that the percentage of THC is below the cut-off levels, then you are in the clear.
We have already seen that the law in the UK states that all CBD products sold within its territory must contain less than 0.2% THC. This trace amount of THC will not fail a drug test. That is why you should always purchase CBD from reputed retailers who will never flout the law for the sake of profit.
You are putting yourself at risk if you purchase from a shady dealer to pinch a few bucks. These dealers may sell CBD with higher concentrations of THC, and while CBD will not appear on a drug test, the THC will.
How to Avoid Testing Positive for CBD?
As you can see that buying from a reputed dealer is key to staying safe. We recommend that you search on the internet for a dealer who guarantees that his products do not exceed the legal limits of THC. You should also look for a dealer whose products have been vetted and tested by third-party laboratories. This will ensure that your CBD product does not contain pollutants like metal particles, pesticides, or harmful compounds like THC.
But even after so many precautions, buyers still need to be cautious and read the product's label carefully. You can take other steps to ensure you never fail a drug test because of CBD consumption. These are as follows:
● Buy premium quality CBD products.
● Contact the manufacturer and ask for his COA or Certificate of Analysis.
● Check to see if the product is extracted from government-approved cannabis crops. This way, you can be assured that the products have minimal concentrations of THC.
● If you have a good relationship with your boss, disclose that you take CBD for its health benefits. This way, you will be better positioned to explain yourself if you fail the drug test.
We believe that you now have the answer to your initial question, does CBD show up on drug tests UK? The laws surrounding CBD will change as more about its properties are revealed through research. It is important to stay informed about these regulations so that your life is not negatively impacted because of CBD consumption.