How can I get the most out of my decarboxylated CBD flower? - Cannabotech

How can I get the most out of my decarboxylated CBD flower?

Asked 4 years ago

Without making butter, is there a way I can put it in my dinner, but in a way that will give it the best bioavailability? I've made truffles with it before, but I’m getting a takeaway curry and if I just threw some decarbed flower into the bowl, am I wasting it compared to if I were to make oil/butter with it?

Joel Taylor

Friday, May 07, 2021

Although you can definitely just consume your decarboxylated flowers, you won't experience the effects as great as if it were heated into something fat-based for a while, be it an oil or butter, due to the fact that CBD is fat-soluble.

However, you should be fine to just throw it straight into the curry and eat it like that. Decarboxylating your flower breaks down the CBDa (cannabidiolic acid) into the useable CBD. Heating it in a fat of some kind after the fact helps to draw the compound out of the flower, but because the CBDa has already been broken down through decarboxylation your body will still be able to metabolism some of it into your bloodstream.

Just be advised that you can overdo it with heat. The decarboxylation rate peaks at around 110 degrees Celcius (230 Fahrenheit), anything hotter than that, and you'll actually start to lose some of the CBD.

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