Sleep qualityPosts and articles about Sleep qualityArticlesDr Lori Beth BisbeyAfraid of Falling Asleep? 6 Tips for Coping With Sleep Phobia and AnxietyPeople suffering from sleep anxiety and sleep phobia can find falling asleep terrifying. While those with sleep anxiety may experience feelings of worry over go...AnswersDr Lori Beth BisbeyWhat Are the Common Causes of Broken Sleep Every Night?Broken sleep means that a person's sleep cycle is fragmented because they keep waking up during the night. While not as dangerous as chronic sleep deprivation, ...ArticlesDr Lori Beth BisbeyAnxiety and Sleep Disturbances: Why Anxiety Feels Worse at NightAnxiety and sleep problems have long been connected—in fact, serious sleep disorders like insomnia have long been recognized as a common anxiety symptom (1). Th...ArticlesDr Lori Beth BisbeySleepless Nights: Can You Function on 3 Hours of Sleep a Night?A good night's sleep is essential for both physical and mental health (1). In fact, chronic sleep deprivation can cause a host of health issues, including diabe...ArticlesDr Lori Beth BisbeyFrom Restless to Restful: Effective Parasomnia TherapiesParasomnias are disruptive sleep disorders that include unusual physical events that interrupt sleep or occur while transitioning in or out of sleep. In additio...CommunityCan eating certain foods before bed impact the quality of sleep?Recently, I've introduced some changes to my diet, and unfortunately, my sleep quality has been dropping since. It might just be my body's way of trying to adju...CommunityWhat are some natural sleep remedies that work well?Hello all. About a month ago, I broke up with my boyfriend, whom I used to live with. Since then, I've been having trouble falling asleep on my own. Of course, ...