What Is Hemp Seed Oil and What Is It Good For? - Cannabotech CBD Questions & Answers

What Is Hemp Seed Oil and What Is It Good For?

Hemp seed oil is a health suppliment extracted from the seeds of the hemp plant. It is used for skin products, anti-aging, and general improved health.

By Petal Mashraki
Edited by Taj Schlebusch

Published April 20, 2021.

Although hemp seed oil has many health benefits, it is not the same as CBD oil. Hemp seed oil and CBD both come from the same plant, but they are each made using distinct and different parts of the plant. Hemp seeds contain little to no CBD, and sometimes it can be confusing as CBD and hemp seed oil are sometimes both referred to as "hemp oil."

How Is Hemp Seed Oil Made?

Hemp seed oil is extracted from the seeds of the hemp plant by cold-pressing them. This basically means applying thousands of pounds of force to them with a hydraulic press to break down the fibres and extract as much oil as possible.

What Is Hemp Seed Oil Good For?

Hemp seed oil contains many healthy components including omega-6, omega-3, and high quantities of vitamins B and D. The linoleic acid and oleic acid found in hemp seeds cannot be produced by the body, and they play an important part in skin health and anti-ageing. Hemp seed oil is a safe and healthy supplement, but it is not a substitute for CBD oil.

How Is CBD Oil Different?

CBD is extracted from the whole hemp plant i.e. the leaves, flowers, and stem. The health benefits of CBD are documented and vary from giving you an overall feeling of well-being, to relieving symptoms of serious diseases, like anxiety, inflammation, and chronic pain. Some CBD products use hemp seed oil as their carrier oil, this way you get the benefits of both the CBD and hemp seed oil in one product.