Can you put CBD vape oil under your tongue? - Cannabotech

Can you put CBD vape oil under your tongue?

Asked 3 years ago

Is the vape juice the same as regular tinctures, can you put regular CBD oil in a vape?

Joel Taylor

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

It's definitely not advised to put CBD e-liquid for vapes under your tongue. The other chemicals in vape juices, such as propylene glycol, are different to those in regular CBD oils that you are meant to take sublingually. Vape juice isn't even technically "oil", and these additives could be dangerous to ingest.

Petal Mashraki

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Theoretically, you could take CBD vape oil sublingually, but it is not recommended. Don't put CBD vape oil under your tongue, instead buy CBD oil designed for ingestion. CBD oil contains ingredients safe for consumption. CBD vape oil is highly concentrated and contains ingredients not intended for consumption. Also, don't try vaping oral CBD oil.

Avik Das

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

No, you shouldn't take CBD vape oil under your tongue, and it is not recommended at all. While CBD oil has ingredients to take orally, the same can not be said about CBD vape oil as it is designed for vaping. If you take vaping oil under the tongue or consume it orally, it can be detrimental for the body.

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