Turkey tail mushroomPosts and articles about Turkey tail mushroomArticlesJoel TaylorThe Secret to Radiant Skin: 8 Turkey Tail Mushroom BenefitsThe functional mushroom Trametes versicolor is commonly called Turkey Tail due to its striking layers and colors. With potent antioxidants and other powerful co...CommunityDo Turkey Tail mushrooms have psychedelic effects?I've been wanting to start taking Turkey Tail mushrooms to help boost my immune system, but I am worried that they may have psychedelic properties. Does anyone ...ArticlesJoel TaylorCan Turkey Tail Mushroom Cure Cancer?With the rise of alternative medicine in western culture, many more people are turning to functional mushrooms to treat a variety of illnesses. One of these mus...ArticlesJoel Taylor6 Potential Side Effects of Turkey Tail MushroomsLike many functional mushrooms, Turkey Tail (Trametes versicolor) is often hailed for the list of health benefits it seems to present. On the other hand, the po...AnswersJoel TaylorCan You Eat Turkey Tail Mushrooms?Turkey tail mushrooms, often regarded as one of the best functional mushrooms for boosting the immune system, get their name from their colourful and frilly app...AnswersJoel TaylorHow to Take Turkey Tail MushroomTurkey Tail mushrooms obtained their name from the colourful frills that comprise its fruiting body, quite literally resembling a turkey's tail. They are a powe...CommunityIs turkey tail mushroom bad for your liver?Can Turkey Tail extract harm your liver?CommunityDoes Turkey Tail give you diarrhoea?I was taking Turkey Tail extract for a month now and started getting diarrhoea. Could it be from the Turkey Tail?CommunityDoes Turkey Tail mushroom cause gas?I took Turkey Tail supplements for the past 3 days and started been feeling very bloated and constipated. Could it be due to the Turkey Tail?CommunityCan you be allergic to turkey tail mushrooms?I've had some run-ins with allergies before, which has made me hesitant to try anything new without scrutinizing it first. I want to try Turkey Tail mushrooms, ...CommunityAre turkey tail mushrooms toxic?Mushrooms make me nervous because so many of them are poisonous! How safe is turkey tail mushroom?CommunityWhat are the side effects of the Turkey Tail Mushroom?Do the side effects of the Turkey Tail mushroom outweigh the potential benefits?CommunityDoes Turkey Tail increase white blood cells?As a cancer patient, I am looking for something to give my immune system a little boost. I know that Turkey Tail mushrooms are really high in antioxidants and t...CommunityCan Turkey Tail mushrooms be taken every day? Is it safe to take Turkey Tail mushrooms daily? If so, does anyone know what the safe recommended daily intake is? CommunityCan Turkey Tail mushrooms be taken in conjunction with chemotherapy?I have been drinking Turkey Tail tea for a while now as a natural immune booster. I've recently been diagnosed with breast cancer and am going to begin my chemo...CommunityCan Turkey Tail mushrooms be used as a way to prevent cancer?I know that Turkey Tail, and other mushrooms in general, have been used to help alleviate the side effects of cancer, but can it be used as a preventative measu...CommunityCan Turkey Tail mushrooms act as an immune booster? I've been taking immune-boosting tablets, and am wanting to move on to something more natural. I know that Turkey Tail mushrooms have a lot of beneficial proper...CommunityCan Turkey Tail mushrooms help combat insomnia?I have a lot of trouble falling asleep at night, and my quality of sleep usually isn't good. Does anyone know if Turkey Tail mushrooms can help treat my insomni...CommunityDoes cooking dried turkey tail mushroom diminish the results?How do you best prepare dried Turkey Tail mushrooms? I am considering cooking them, but I am worried that I may taint the effectiveness and lead to diminished r...CommunityCan Turkey Tail mushroom help with breast cancer?People always say that mushrooms have many health benefits for people who are fighting cancer, but can mushrooms help with breast cancer in particular? I am loo...