Can I Take CBD While Breastfeeding? - Cannabotech CBD Questions & Answers

Can I Take CBD While Breastfeeding?

The FDA is against the use of THC, CBD, or any other form of marijuana when pregnant or breastfeeding. Even so, some breastfeeding women still consume CBD

By Samuel Njoroge
Edited by Taj Schlebusch

Published May 14, 2021.

Today, more than ever, the use of CBD as a remedy for various health issues like anxiety and chronic pain is widespread. However, due to insufficient research on cannabis, there are many questions about its benefits and possible side effects. Many women wonder whether it is safe to use it when breastfeeding. Here I take you through everything you need to know about taking CBD while breastfeeding.

Will CBD get you high?

Cannabis plants have more than 100 cannabinoids, with CBD and THC being the primary compounds. They interact with the endocannabinoid system to stimulate your brain to produce natural cannabinoids.

Although both compounds may have therapeutic properties, the key difference is that THC produces an intoxicating effect ('high'), and CBD doesn't.

As the CBD won't leave you with a 'high' feeling, it has increasingly become a sought-after product in managing anxiety and insomnia, common issues experienced by breastfeeding mothers.

Does CBD pass through breast milk?

Although some researchers have suggested that CBD and THC may pass through to breast milk, the effects of CBD on newborn babies are yet to be discovered. It's worth understanding that your breast milk contains naturally occurring cannabinoids produced by the ECS.

Does that mean it's safe to use cannabis while breastfeeding?

While you should avoid marijuana while you are breastfeeding, CBD has shown little risk to both adults and children, so it may not be problematic. That being the case, you must consult your doctor before using CBD products as there is no indisputable evidence to support an answer to this question.

Why would you think about using CBD while lactating?

While the uncertainty surrounding CBD and newborn is enough for some mothers to keep off entirely, for others, there are still enough reasons to consider using CBD while nursing.

After giving birth, many women suffer from postpartum depression(PPD), a severe issue that may result in fatigue, mood swings, and anxiety.

While antidepressants can help treat PPD, they may pose possible risks to the newborn.

On the flip side, there are suggestions that CBD may assist with anxiety, insomnia, and inflammation. As a result, some mothers try CBD when they experience these issues due to its therapeutic effects.

Risks of using CBD when breastfeeding

You must understand the risks you might be putting your newborn in if you decide to use CBD products while breastfeeding.

Although THC may pass through breast milk, research has shown that this compound may affect your baby's normal brain development, leading to poor cognitive and hyperactivity issues.

On the other hand, little is known about CBD effects on newborns, but its possible side effects like drowsiness may leave you unable to make good decisions while taking care of your newborn.