Can CBD Gummies Help a Young Child With ADHD and Tourette Syndrome? - Cannabotech CBD Questions & Answers

Can CBD Gummies Help a Young Child With ADHD and Tourette Syndrome?

Can you give your child CBD gummies for ADHD and Tourette syndrome? Are children with ADHD at risk of cannabis use disorder?

By Samuel Njoroge
Edited by Taj Schlebusch

Updated April 14, 2023.

CBD, one of the chemical compounds found in a cannabis plant, has been in use for over a thousand years. With increased cases of ADHD and TS among the children, there was a need to develop medication to manage those issues. Some studies suggest CBD may have the potential to manage symptoms that accompany these health issues.

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ADHD and CBD gummies

There are several ways a kid can consume CBD, one of them being gummies. Gummies may be the best consumption method as they provide consistent, accurate dosages of a non-psychoactive CBD disguised as a sweet candy.

Question to ask before giving your kid CBD gummies include:

Will CBD make your kid high?

CBD is a non-psychoactive compound, meaning it doesn't make you feel ‘high.’ THC is responsible for the ‘high’ feeling. Make sure you purchase a THC-free product if you decide to use CBD gummies on your kid.

Is it legal for kids to consume CBD?

As earlier discussed, CBD doesn't have any intoxicating effects. Under the doctor’s directions, it's legal to give your kid THC-free CBD gummies to manage symptoms caused by ADHD.

How does CBD work?

Some research suggests that CBD may ease some of the symptoms caused by ADHD- anxiety, inactivity, and panic attacks.

CBD may bind to CB1 receptors in the brain, influencing the body to produce natural cannabinoids. The cannabinoids will leave you with a relaxed, calm feeling, reducing anxiety. It may also reduce hyperactivity and impulsivity, assisting you to focus.

While CBD may help manage ADHD, lots of research is required to determine how it may reduce hyperactivity and impulsivity to assist in focus and concentration.

CBD and Tourette Syndrome

According to research, CBD may have the potential to manage Tourette syndromes.

In recent years, most parents have turned to CBD to manage symptoms caused by TS. With the symptoms ranging from mild to extreme, any potential medication is worth trying.

Some of the ways CBD may be helpful in managing Tourette include:

  • Decrease the frequency of tics
  • Increase the efficiency of drugs used to treat Tourette syndrome
  • Reduce insomnia associated with TS

When it comes to kids, ensure you visit your physician to talk about the dosage and the risks the child might experience.