Taking Steps Toward Inner Ankle Pain Relief: Our Top 5 Solutions - Cannabotech CBD Oils & Products Articles

Taking Steps Toward Inner Ankle Pain Relief: Our Top 5 Solutions

Babafemi Adebajo - Writer for Cannabotech
By Babafemi Adebajo
Nevena Radulović - Editor for Cannabotech
Edited by Nevena Radulović

Published May 9, 2023.

Close-up of woman's legs while holding her ankles suggesting inner ankle pain

Inner ankle pain is a common problem, especially for athletes and those who often engage in high-impact activities. Whether it's caused by a sprain, overuse, tendonitis, or an underlying condition like rheumatoid arthritis, inner ankle pain can significantly impact your daily routine.

If you're experiencing inner ankle pain, seeking out pain relief options can help improve your quality of life and make everyday activities like walking or running easier. Luckily, there are multiple effective ways you can try to relieve inner ankle pain and get back on your feet.

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1. The RICE Method

The RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation) method is a popular treatment option for managing inner ankle pain. Each component of the RICE method plays a significant role in relieving pain and promoting healing.

  • Rest Relaxing the ankle can help reduce inflammation and allow healing to begin. To rest your ankle, use crutches or a brace and avoid placing stress on the ankle.
  • Ice To reduce inflammation, you can apply an ice pack to the inner ankle for 15–20 minutes several times a day.
  • Compression You can use an elastic bandage or compression stockings to wrap the ankle, limit swelling, and support the affected area.
  • Elevation Keeping the foot elevated above heart level will help reduce swelling by aiding fluid drainage.

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2. Physical Therapy

A physiotherapist can assess the root cause of the pain and develop an individualised plan to manage your pain and help you regain optimal mobility. Some common physiotherapy techniques for inner ankle pain include:

  • Exercises for range of motion, strengthening, and stretching
  • Manual therapy
  • Heat or ice therapy
  • Balance training
  • Ultrasound therapy

These techniques can help improve ankle stability, increase the range of motion, and reduce pain and inflammation in the affected area. What's more, physiotherapy can also reduce stress to promote general well-being, and provide education and support to better manage your pain and prevent future injuries.

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3. Choosing Appropriate Footwear

Opting for suitable footwear is another effective way to prevent and manage inner ankle pain. When shopping for shoes, aim for ones that provide good arch support and cushioning to reduce the impact of walking or running on any existing ankle pain. Your ideal shoes should also have a wider toe box to prevent cramping and discomfort in the ankle.

You should choose shoes that make the ankle more stable to reduce the risk of ankle sprains. Additionally, try to avoid high-heeled shoes or those with narrow toe boxes because they can increase the pressure on the ankle joint and exacerbate pain.

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4. At-Home Remedies

While you're at home trying to stay off your feet, you can also try incorporating some home remedies to speed up pain relief and promote healing. Some effective at-home remedies include:

  • Epsom salt soak: Soaking your feet in warm water mixed with Epsom salt may help reduce inflammation and ease ankle pain.
  • Ginger tea: Drinking ginger tea can soothe body inflammation, helping alleviate your ankle pain.
  • Massage: A gentle massage of the affected area can be an effective way to relieve inner ankle pain by reducing muscle tension, increasing blood flow, and promoting relaxation.
  • Turmeric paste: When applied to the injured ankle, a paste made of turmeric and water can help reduce pain and inflammation.

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5. Pain Medication

Taking pain medication is especially effective for short-term pain relief. Over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and naproxen can help reduce pain and inflammation in the ankle.

On the other hand, prescription pain medication is also an option for managing more severe or chronic joint pain, but you should only use it under the guidance of a healthcare professional. In some cases, other medications such as topical analgesics or corticosteroid injections may be recommended. However, note that pain medication should be combined with other treatments such as physical therapy and at-home remedies to promote long-term healing.

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Find Your Solution for Painless Ankles

While the best inner ankle pain treatment option for you will depend on the underlying cause of the pain, some general treatment options include the RICE method, physiotherapy, appropriate footwear, home remedies, and the use of pain medication. However, more severe ankle injuries may require surgery.

If you experience persistent inner ankle pain, it's important to consult your doctor to determine the best course of action and stop your inner ankle pain from disrupting your everyday activities.