Do Reishi Mushrooms (Ganoderma Lucidum) have a positive effect on High Cholesterol levels? - Cannabotech

Do Reishi Mushrooms (Ganoderma Lucidum) have a positive effect on High Cholesterol levels?

Asked 3 years ago

How do Reishi Mushrooms affect levels of HDL and LDL cholesterol?

Osasere Okunloye

Friday, January 14, 2022

Experts are a bit divided on this subject. Few studies suggest that reishi mushrooms could have a positive effect on high cholesterol levels, while other research indicates that reishi does not have any effect on cholesterol levels. What this tells us is that different individuals reach to reishi mushrooms differently. You can see an expert who will advise you on how to take it and monitor if there is any positive or negative effect on your system.

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