Are wood ear mushrooms or black fungus edible?
Asked 3 years ago
Are there any benefits to the black fungus (Auricularia polytricha) vs wood ear mushroom? I saw some dried wood ear mushrooms at a Chinese market and wasn't sure if they were for cooking or some medicinal properties. I understand that some people use this edible wood fungus in cooking, but the dried ones didn't look very tasty. Is wood ear the same as black fungus and what are the benefits?
Roscoe Ramirez
Sunday, August 08, 2021
Yes, mushroom wood ear or black fungus is edible, and it is considered to be healthy. The black fungus is used for cooking in various Asian cuisines. With a soft texture, it has a unique flavor. Eating black fungus can lower your blood cholesterol, improve the digestion system and can be good for the liver. It is packed with fiber and antioxidants.
Osasere Okunloye
Friday, February 25, 2022
Black fungi are sold under several names, but they are technically different from it's botanical cousin, the wood ear mushroom. Nonetheless, these mushrooms share similar nutritional profiles and culinary uses and are sometimes referred to interchangeably.
The mushroom wood ear or black fungus is edible, and it is considered to be healthy.
Some black fungus Benefits include it is high in protein and low in calorie, doesn't contain any sugar (which is why it's tasteless) and has only 10 milligrams of sodium per serving, helps strengthen one's hair, and it is easily prepared – can be served dry or in soup.
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