What are the chances that Vaping CBD will give me a popcorn lung and other related illnesses?
Asked 4 years ago
I'm sure everyone has heard the horror stories of e-cigs giving people popcorn lung. Is the risk still associated with CBD e-juices or is it only nicotine related products?
Roscoe Ramirez
Saturday, August 07, 2021
The chances that vaping CBD will give you popcorn lung are literally zero. The popcorn lung claim has to do with diacetyl, a common ingredient in artificial flavors like butter and caramel. There's no diacetyl in CBD vapes. An outbreak in vaping-related illnesses also caused a huge stir, with researchers concluding that vitamin E acetate was a likely cause. This is a cutting agent found in illegal THC vape cartridges, but it may also be a listed ingredient in hemp CBD vapes. Don't consume products containing that ingredient.
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