Grow cbd plantsPosts and articles about Grow cbd plantsCommunityHow many cannabis plants can you grow in the UK for personal use?I have been thinking about growing weed. I want to know how many marijuana plants I can legally grow for personal use in the UK in 2023.CommunityCan you get in legal trouble for growing 1 weed plant in the UK?Would they even be concerned about 1 plant? How would they even know?ArticlesJoel TaylorIs It Legal to Grow CBD Plants in the UK in 2022?When people talk about growing cannabis plants specifically for CBD, there must be a distinction drawn between hemp and marijuana. Although both plants are tech...CommunityCan I grow hemp in my backyard in the UK?Is it illegal to grow hemp in the UK in 2021? What if I tell them that I didn't know there was CBD growing in my backyard?CommunityIs there a difference in the UK law of growing cannabis and hemp plants?Do plants that contain no THC at all still classify as being illegal?CommunityIs it legal to grow CBD hemp seeds if there is low THC count?I kind of want to grow and try eating it as a salad. Is this even legal, and how effective would it be?CommunityIs it illegal to grow hemp for CBD in the UK?What plants are illegal to grow in the UK? Is it legal to grow hemp and CBD plants in the UK?CommunityHow many CBD plants can you legally grow in the UK?Does the number change depending on THC content in the plant. What about hemp plants without any THC?CommunityCan you grow CBD if it is only for personal use?I don't intend on growing enough to supply anyone but myself. Will this impact the laws?CommunityWhy is it illegal to grow hemp plants at home in the UK?If they contain no THC at all then how can they be illegal? How else would we get CBD products?CommunityCan I grow CBD plants at home according to the new CBD regulations in the UK in 2021?I'm not entirely sure I understand the new laws. Does CBD or THC content affect the regulations?CommunityWhat would happen if I get caught growing 1 CBD plant at home in the UK?Would they even care? If they did, what consequences would I face?CommunityHow do the police know that I grow a CBD plant at home?I know it is illegal but who would become suspicious if I just grow 1 plant at home?CommunityHow can I legally grow hemp in the UK?I want to start making hemp-based products, but I can't afford to buy the raw materials and would prefer to grow it myself. What are the conditions surrounding ...