Thyroid glandPosts and articles about Thyroid glandCommunityHow does CBD help the thyroid after a thyroidectomy?I've recently had my entire thyroid removed and am going to start thyroid hormone replacement medication soon. I've heard that CBD oil can be good for thyroid h...CommunityCan CBD oil be good for thyroid health?Whether there are thyroid conditions or not, how does CBD affect thyroid health? Can CBD be good for conditions like Hashimoto's disease, or does it just help r...CommunityDoes CBD oil affect thyroid hormones?More simply, can CBD oil be good for thyroid health? I'm interested in what effect CBD oil would have on thyroid hormone production because that would potential...CommunityHow does CBD oil affect thyroid hormones?I have Hashimoto's disease and was recommended CBD oil by a colleague. Does CBD help for thyroid health at all? Can it affect hormone release in any way, short-...CommunityCan CBD affect the thyroid negatively?If I have a perfectly healthy thyroid, can CBD lead to conditions such as hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's thyroiditis? In addition, can it worsen these condition...