Does CBD Oil Help Relieve Chronic Pain? - Cannabotech CBD Oils & Products Articles

Does CBD Oil Help Relieve Chronic Pain?

By Sofia Thai
Edited by Taj Schlebusch

Published April 28, 2021.

Does CBD Oil Help Relieve Chronic Pain? main image

CBD oil is becoming an increasingly popular way to treat a variety of ailments. Its pain-relieving qualities are considered particularly attractive by many advocates of the substance. So in this article, we’re going to examine the ability of CBD oil to relieve chronic pain in particular.

The National Centers for Complementary and Integrative Health found in a study that CBD oil can indeed have some positive impact on chronic pain symptoms. This is encouraging for those looking for a solution to this issue, but there has been a dearth of research overall.

Is CBD Oil FDA Approved?

Indeed, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has yet to approve CBD oil for treating pain of any sort. Nonetheless, despite this apparent snub to CBD oil, it is also important to note that the FDA also considers CBD oil to be a perfectly safe option.

However, another review in 2020 found that CBD oil can help relieve chronic pain in some circumstances. This research also discovered that CBD oil was effective in improving sleep and reducing inflammation.

CBD oil has also been used to reduce neuropathic pain, which emanates after the damage done to the nervous system. This former pain is common in conditions such as multiple sclerosis, and thus can be deemed chronic pain.

Reviews and Studies

A 2017 review also outlined the success of CBD oil in treating chronic neuropathy pain. Over 1,200 patients were involved in the trials, and CBD oil had a consistently effective impact on those participating in the process.

Another study published in 2016 discovered that CBD oil could be effectively utilized to ease the symptoms associated with arthritis. A large majority of patients utilizing CBD oil reported improvement in pain associated with arthritis.

Overall, there is good scientific evidence that suggests that CBD oil can assist with chronic pain. However, there remains a gap in research, and more effort is needed to fully confirm this tendency.