Can CBD oil cause significant weight gain?
Asked 3 years ago
I've heard that CBD oil can affect your appetite positively, but also that cannabis causes the "Munchies". Does this mean that taking CBD oil could make me eat too much and gain weight? How are CBD oil and weight gain related?
Joel Taylor
Wednesday, August 04, 2021
Trying to discern whether CBD oil could cause weight gain is a difficult subject. Some studies have concluded that CBD can have a positive effect on appetite, both in those who eat too much and those who don't eat enough. There has also been instances where people reported feeling much hungrier after taking CBD, but it isn't definitive enough to determine whether CBD was the cause of the hunger or not.
Essentially, it depends on the person, and you'll have to experiment on yourself to find how it affects you. Thankfully, CBD has an incredibly low risk factor and the idea of "munchies" is something attached to cannabis with a higher THC content.
Avik Das
Wednesday, August 04, 2021
CBD has many benefits, including weight loss for an individual. However, there has been opposite instances as well but it is unclear whether it is from CBD or not. There is no proven instance that someone has gained weight due to the consumption of CBD. If you start taking CBD with the right dose, you should witness more positive effects on the body.
Osasere Okunloye
Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Individuals react differently to CBD. One of the common side effects of CBD is appetite change. Although there isn't a direct relationship between CBD and weight gain, CBD can increase your appetite, thereby making you eat more and gain more weight. If you are gaining weight while using CBD, you should see a nutritionist for expert advice.
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