For how long should I keep CBD oil under the tongue for successful sublingual application? - Cannabotech

For how long should I keep CBD oil under the tongue for successful sublingual application?

Asked 3 years ago

Why must I put CBD oil under my tongue, and can I put CBD vape oil there? Does it even make a difference how long I keep it under the tongue?

Joel Taylor

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

The reason why you hold CBD oil under your tongue is that the squamous epithelial cells in your mouth have thin enough membranes that the substance can be absorbed into your bloodstream quicker than if you had metabolised it through your digestive system. And no, it's not advised that you put vape juice under your tongue as it is not the same substance as CBD oil.

Petal Mashraki

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

CBD oil is held under the tongue so that the sublingual tissue can absorption the CBD directly into the bloodstream for quicker results, instead of the oil going through the digestive tract. For how long to hold CBD oil under your tongue, aim for at least 30 seconds before swallowing, so it has time to be absorbed.

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