What kind of CBD products or oils do you recommend for treating anxiety?
Asked 4 years ago
I have pretty bad anxiety I also take citalopram.... can some recommend what to take .... how much and how TIA
Petal Mashraki
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Some medicines don't interact well with CBD, and when taken together the side effects can increase. So, you should talk to your doctor about taking citalopram and CBD together. Also, you shouldn't go off your prescription drugs without consulting your doctor!
There are CBD products specifically created to help with anxiety, and they come in many forms-CBD oil, vapes, gummies, and capsules. You should choose the delivery method that suits you best. Gummies might be good for munching during the day when you feel anxious. Vaping is great for instant relief in high-stress situations.
There are CBD products for anxiety such as OTO CBD Roll-On Oil that is applied to your wrists and temples, and cbdMD CBD Oil. Try a broad-spectrum CBD oil, and start with a low dosage, something like 5mg twice a day, then see how you feel after a few days. But first, talk to your doctor.
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