Is it normal that I don't feel anything on the second day after taking CBD oil for my sleep? - Cannabotech

Is it normal that I don't feel anything on the second day after taking CBD oil for my sleep?

Asked 3 years ago

I started taking CBD oil for sleep. The first day I used a dropper of 20mg ( 1mL), and the second day I microdosed 12mg, yet I still feel nothing. The oil I bought is top quality. Shouldn’t I at least be feeling something, or does it need more time? My oil is 20mg/1mL, so not super concentrated. It does not come with a dropper but with a syringe. Yesterday I took 2x 0.3mL

Osasere Okunloye

Friday, June 11, 2021

Different body systems react to different stimuli in different ways. Give it time, if no noticeable changes after a week, you can increase the dosage slightly or try another method. For sleep, you should try CBD oil that contains melatonin, a hormone that controls the sleep-wake cycle in humans.

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