What is the best and most effective CBD tincture for general anxiety and stress relief? - Cannabotech

What is the best and most effective CBD tincture for general anxiety and stress relief?

Asked 3 years ago

I am new to CBD oil. Does anyone have similar problems or know CBD well enough to advise me on which product may be best for my condition? Also, how much should I be taking?

Joel Taylor

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

When talking about anxiety specifically, it might be good to start with a broad-spectrum oil taken sublingually. Full-spectrum contains higher traces of THC, which can actually exacerbate your anxiety.

With broad-spectrum, start at a low dose (10mg/day) and see how you feel after one week. If you don't experience a positive change, increase to 15mg/day and monitor it over the next week, continuously increasing the dose each week until you do notice a change.

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