Has anyone successfully moved away from antidepressants and anxiety meds and turned to CBD? - Cannabotech

Has anyone successfully moved away from antidepressants and anxiety meds and turned to CBD?

Asked 3 years ago

I heard that CBD could be a good alternative to antidepressants/anxiety meds, and I am super interested in getting off them. Has anyone gotten off their meds and turned to CBD? I’d love to hear any info on it! Good and the bad (those withdrawals, though... ☹️)

Joel Taylor

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

There are many people who have been able to wean themselves off of anxiety medication and antidepressants with CBD. So long as you give it a few hours in between your normal meds before you take CBD as there are drug-drug interactions between CBD and many antidepressants that could lead to increased side effects.

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