How can I start taking CBD without worsening my PTSD symptoms? - Cannabotech

How can I start taking CBD without worsening my PTSD symptoms?

Asked 4 years ago

I’ve tried CBT, EMDR, vitamins, dietary changes - I have ptsd, years of therapy, and I’m well aware of the basic lifestyle changes I’d like something for anxiety, but I’m extremely sensitive and don’t want to worsen my symptoms. I’m in the U.K., what would you guys recommend?

Avik Das

Saturday, January 15, 2022

CBD can be a natural product to use to treat PTSD, so it is unlikely to worsen it unless you overdose or take other drugs. Make sure to consult a doctor first, especially if you take other medications. Another cautious step to take while dealing with PTSD is the correct dosage. After examining your overall health conditions, a doctor can suggest you the perfect dosage of CBD.

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