How can I get rid of stress-induced heart palpitations? - Cannabotech

How can I get rid of stress-induced heart palpitations?

Asked 3 years ago

For the past few weeks, whenever I go to bed, my heart starts racing a mile a minute and I feel like it is skipping beats. I know that it is because I'm going through a very stressful period in my life, but it is really unpleasant and I struggle to sleep because of it. I'm looking for natural ways to get rid of these heart palpitations. Can anyone advise?

Osasere Okunloye

Sunday, October 17, 2021

According to studies, CBD and Psilocybin can help relax your body, thereby reducing palpitations. Lastly, it is important to state that while palpitations can be a result of stress, they may be an indicator of a more serious medical condition. If palpitations continue for a long time, and it's accompanied by chest pain, I will advise you to see a doctor for proper diagnosis.

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