How does CBD flower in a dry herb vape pen's taste compare to CBD crumble wax on a dab pen and/or cartridges? - Cannabotech

How does CBD flower in a dry herb vape pen's taste compare to CBD crumble wax on a dab pen and/or cartridges?

Asked 3 years ago

I am fairly new to this and have never experienced vaping CBD flowers, and so far have tried CBD crumble dab wax on a UK dab pen, and it tasted amazing (coughed up my lungs, though). Then I tried the cartridges, but they don't taste very nice. I also tried using both HighKind and herbaleyes. I'm curious about having a CBD flower in a dry herb vape pen. How does it compare to the others?

Joel Taylor

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

CBD products such as crumble waxes, dabs, and oils are refined versions of the cannabis plant and will therefore not have as strong a taste as the raw flower. Vaping CBD flowers in a canna pen will have a significantly stronger taste that many people wouldn't enjoy.

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