Is vaping CBD while being on antidepressants different from tinctures or edibles?
Asked 4 years ago
Does it really matter what kind of CBD oil you take with your antidepressants? What are the effects of taking CBD oil and antidepressants together and will they be different depending on the method?
Joel Taylor
Saturday, June 19, 2021
Taking CBD products and antidepressants together could be potentially detrimental as, since the two substances will be competing for metabolism in the liver, they could do one of two things:
- Lower the effect of the antidepressants.
- Increase the side-effects experienced because of the antidepressants.
And so the question of whether you can take CBD oil and antidepressants as opposed to vaping and antidepressants, you shouldn't really do either as the method doesn't really affect the interactions between the two. If you do intend on utilising both, then give yourself a few hours in between doses and consult with a doctor beforehand.
Avik Das
Saturday, June 19, 2021
It doesn't really matter what kind of CBD you take. CBD oil is anticipated to be the most effective one whether you take it with anti-depressants or not. The dosage of CBD matters more than the form. However, there are experts who claim that taking CBD with antidepressants simultaneously could diminish the effect of the antidepressants.
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