The Benefits of Enokitake Mushrooms - Cannabotech CBD Questions & Answers

The Benefits of Enokitake Mushrooms

Learn about Enokitake mushrooms, their nutritional profile and the benefits of this, and some other health benefits.

Joel Taylor - writer and editor for Cannabotech
By Joel Taylor
Edited by Alice Bassett

Updated April 14, 2023.

Enokitake mushrooms, also known as Wild Enoki or Velvet Shank, is a species of edible fungus that has a variety of health and nutritional benefits similar to many other species of functional mushrooms. To learn more about this interesting fungus, read on.

Nutritional Benefits of Enokitake Mushrooms

Mushrooms, in general, are often touted for their extensive nutritional benefits—and Enokitake mushrooms are no different. The most prominent of which are the following:

  • Low calories A cup of chopped enokitake mushrooms has less than 30 calories. For comparison, a cup of the average bag of potato chips has closer to 500.
  • Dietary fibre Mushrooms are an excellent source of dietary fibre, meaning that they may help your digestive system and control blood sugar levels.
  • Protein A cup of Enokitake mushrooms contains about 2g of usable protein.
  • Polysaccharides Many of the health benefits of Enokitake mushrooms come from the presence of various polysaccharides present within them. The benefits of polysaccharides are well known in scientific research, including energy supply, cardiovascular improvements, and anti-cancer properties.
  • Beta-glucans Beta-glucans are a type of polysaccharide that have various benefits, including antimicrobial, anti-diabetic, anti-cancer, and cholesterol-balancing properties, as noted by research.

Aside from these highlight nutritional components, Enokitake mushrooms are also an excellent source of many required vitamins and minerals.

Health Benefits of Enokitake Mushrooms

Similar to many other functional mushroom species, Enokitake mushrooms may offer the following benefits, as noted by research:


One of the less obvious benefits of Enokitake mushrooms is that they are one of the functional mushroom species that have a pleasant taste and are completely suitable to add to the average meal. Not only does this make them easy to use, but cooking them can help break down the chitin layer and allow the body to access the majority of the nutrients contained within.