How much CBD oil and what strength should I give my 11-year-old child with ADHD?
Asked 4 years ago
I need guidance. I want to start my son on CBD, but I have no idea exactly what to get to help him with ADHD. He’s 11 years old. Weighs 100 pounds. Any recommendations on what item to buy and how much to give him?
Joel Taylor
Sunday, June 06, 2021
Unfortunately, there is no direct guide for how to treat ADHD with CBD, especially in children. Although there is some scientific evidence to suggest that CBD does have a calming effect, especially on patients with ADHD, there is still more research needed.
If you do want to give it a shot, make sure you first check with a paediatrician to see if your child would be okay with CBD. And then you should always start small and work your way up from there.
Avik Das
Saturday, September 25, 2021
There is not enough evidence to suggest CBD for children nor there is a right dosage for it. While CBD certainly works to treat ADHD, more research is needed to reach a conclusion. For a child, you can start with CBD gummies, and then move to low dosage CBD. Make sure it is THC free.
Disclaimer: All treatments for children should first be verified by a pediatrician as their bodies are different to adult bodies and Cannabotech's products are designed for adults.
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