Is it safe to take Reishi Mushrooms when I am pregnant? - Cannabotech

Is it safe to take Reishi Mushrooms when I am pregnant?

Asked 3 years ago

How safe is the Ganoderma lucidum fungus if I am breastfeeding? Could Reishi Mushroom tea affect my breastmilk and the development of my child? I've heard all these benefits about medicinal mushrooms like Reishi but I'm not sure when to take them.

Joel Taylor

Friday, August 13, 2021

Although Reishi mushrooms seem to have a list of benefits and not very many reported side effects, there simply isn't enough scientific data on the safety of Reishi mushrooms and pregnancy, or Reishi mushrooms and breastfeeding either. Taking Ganoderma lucidum during pregnancy might not affect your child, but you wouldn't really know until you tried it, and why would you want to take the risk at all?

Osasere Okunloye

Friday, August 13, 2021

I will advise you to avoid Reishi mushroom if you are a pregnant woman or a lactating mother. This is because there isn't enough data on the safety of Reishi mushrooms in pregnant and breastfeeding women. Anything you put in your body at this stage can affect the fetus or child; be careful.

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