What is the best CBD product for anxiety and panic attacks?
Asked 4 years ago
I have anxiety and am getting panic attacks 1/2 times a day. My doctor said that nothing can be done but for me to control them. I have control sometimes, but other times they get the better of me. Is there any type of CBD oil product that can help for panic attacks? Are CBD and panic attacks related at all? I'm totally new to this, so any recommendation or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Joel Taylor
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
You have two potential options with CBD oil for panic attacks and anxiety.
The first is vaping, which has a higher bioavailability than other methods and the shortest time to feel the effects. Good to have on hand in case a panic attack emerges.
Also consider oils, which work for a much longer period of time so could be good to manage the problem long term.
Definitely start with broad-spectrum as full-spectrum contains traces of THC that could exacerbate your panic attacks.
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