Where can I find the best source of information regarding drug interactions?
Asked 4 years ago
My Mother, who's 92-years-old, has severe osteoarthritis and has recently started to develop anxiety, depression and irritability. Which realistically, I don’t think she will be able to come off at this stage. I would not be surprised if she is going through onset of dementia as well. I want to give her CBD oil because I have read it that it may be helpful. Where is the best source of information regarding drug interactions? I am already administering CBD balm to her primary source of pain, her knee. Thanks in advance 🙏
Petal Mashraki
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
You'll be ok with CBD topicals, but for ingested CBD, there can be a negative interaction with prescription drugs. If your mom is on medication, talk to a doctor before giving her CBD. There is usually information on CBD product websites, and also on reliable sites like MayoClinic, and WebMD.
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