Which products can I use for my anxiety and pain if I am super sensitive to THC?
Asked 4 years ago
I have anxiety from pain. I have tried cbd tincture 20:1, 10:1, 4:1, indica mints, rubs with higher dose of cbd/thc, nothing helps. Seems like my anxiety is worse and pain is untouched, neck, back, knees, I am young and fit. I take an antiflamitory daily (mobic) but I am at a loss! Is there anyone else like me who can't figure out what to use? I'm super sensitive to thc like I have to cut a 5mg in quarters!
Osasere Okunloye
Thursday, June 10, 2021
Go for an isolate instead to avoid THC. Make sure you are using a high-quality product with good independent laboratory test results. Also, take the right dose, start slowly then increase gradually till you find a suitable result. Lastly, see a doctor before taking CBD along with other drugs, to avoid complications.
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