How many CBD hemp capsules should I take for anxiety and OCD? - Cannabotech

How many CBD hemp capsules should I take for anxiety and OCD?

Asked 3 years ago

Hi all, I've bought 600mg capsule/10mg each for my anxiety and OCD. I'm teaming this with therapy, but what is the best dosage of CBD I should take for OCD and anxiety? All it says is to not exceed 70mg. I'm not taking any medication, only store-bought vitamins.

Joel Taylor

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Start small and work your way up. Start on 2/day (one in the morning and one in the evening), and then increase that to 3 the next week, and so on until you find what works for you. Also, consider trying oils that you can take sublingually as they have greater bioavailability than capsules.

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