Are there any risks associated with using biohacking to manage stress? - Cannabotech

Are there any risks associated with using biohacking to manage stress?

Asked a year ago

I was thinking of trying some biohacks for the purpose of stress management, like aromatherapy and ASMR. Before I do so, though, I want to know if there is anything I should keep in mind. Like, are there any risks or potential side effects? Thank you for answering.

Carter Rich

Thursday, March 23, 2023

The risks and side effects you may experience depend on the biohacking technique used. For example, with aromatherapy, some individuals may show allergic reactions to some of the essential oils. With ASMR, there may be overstimulation or discomfort relating to some sounds or stimuli. Thus, it is advisable to use biohacking cautiously.

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