Does broad-spectrum CBD contain THC? - Cannabotech

Does broad-spectrum CBD contain THC?

Asked 4 years ago

I'm looking for THC-free products that I can use. Broad-spectrum sounds like a good option, but does it have THC in it?

Joel Taylor

Wednesday, May 05, 2021

The biggest problem with this is the fact that CBD products from unreputable companies have been tested and found to have radically skewed concentrations of all cannabinoids than what they state on the label. Legally, most countries require the concentration of THC in the cultivated plant to be below 1% (0.2% in the EU), which means that the concentration of THC in the final concentrated product would be even less.

Unfortunately, even that small amount of THC can result in a failed drug test if the threshold is low enough, particularly in low-threshold tolerance jobs, such as police work. You wouldn't be the first person to fail a drug test because of CBD products.

A lot of your decision depends on your reason for not wanting THC in your system. Is it because you're worried you might experience the psychoactive effects of THC? Then you have nothing to fear because there's no way that could happen. Is it because you're worried you might fail a drug test? Then you should probably stay away from CBD unless you consult your employer first and explain why you might have traces of THC in your system.

If you absolutely require CBD products then consider looking at isolates. After that, you could even purchase urine tests that you carry out at home to test if THC is showing up in your system.

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