Will full spectrum CBD affect blood results, urinalysis tests and MRI scans? - Cannabotech

Will full spectrum CBD affect blood results, urinalysis tests and MRI scans?

Asked 4 years ago

I've been taking CBD for a while to help with all a variety of health issues (Which has been really helpful). However, I have to go in for tests at the hospital pretty soon and I'm quite nervous. As mentioned, I am going in for blood tests, urinalysis tests and MRI scans. Would the CBD oil effect these test?

Joel Taylor

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

The only thing you need to be afraid of is if they're specifically testing for THC traces in your urine, which they won't unless it's a drug test. It definitely won't affect an MRI scan, and they won't find THC unless that's specifically what they're looking for.

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