How do you grow Cordyceps mushrooms? - Cannabotech

How do you grow Cordyceps mushrooms?

Asked 3 years ago

With the rise in popularity of Cordyceps mushrooms for medicinal use, I have noticed that the supplements are rather expensive. I thought maybe I could grow Cordyceps mushrooms for my own private use, and save money in the long run through doing so. Does anyone have experience in this, and can perhaps advise on the best conditions to grow Cordyceps? Is there a Cordyceps growing kit that I could purchase online? Can I cultivate them in jars, or would I need to plant them outside in soil?

Osasere Okunloye

Thursday, October 07, 2021

The two main species of cordyceps are Cordyceps Sinensis and Militaris. Cordyceps are mainly grown in Asia, most especially in the Himalayas because of the favourable environmental conditions. To grow Cordyceps, you need cereal grains like rye or rice and a plastic jar or bag. You will need to keep the temperature between 68 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit. To learn more, check out a step by step guide on how to grow Cordyceps

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