What is the best way to store Cordyceps tincture? - Cannabotech

What is the best way to store Cordyceps tincture?

Asked 3 years ago

Since it is such a pure extraction, I do not want to run the risk of losing any of the potency of my Cordyceps tincture. Can anyone recommend the best conditions to store it under? I am looking for a way that increases longevity, as well as preserving potency.

Osasere Okunloye

Thursday, October 07, 2021

You should store all cordyceps tinctures in a cool and dry place. After opening, it is advisable to store in a refrigerator at around 0-8°C. If you will like to consume your tincture over a long time or want maximum longevity, make sure you always seal properly after every use and place it in a freezer with a temperature below -17°C.

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