What is the impact of smoking and alcohol on joint pain during menopause?
Asked 2 years ago
Could anybody tell me more about the effects of smoking and alcohol on joint pain during menopause? I'm a bit worried about my mum - since entering menopause, she's been complaining about her joints a lot, and I can't convince her that improving her lifestyle would help with the pain. She says I'm just guessing and I'm not an expert, so I'd like to learn more about it.
Babafemi Adebajo
Thursday, March 09, 2023
Smoking fast-tracks the onset of menopausal symptoms like joint pain since it contains nicotine which causes circulating oestrogen levels to drop faster. Likewise, alcohol consumption leads to dehydration, reduction in joint lubrication and worsening joint pain. Alcohol can also increase the rate of joint inflammation indirectly. Thus, to reduce the risk of joint pain, it is best to stay away from alcohol and smoking as much as possible.
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