How common is joint pain during menopause and what are the risks? - Cannabotech

How common is joint pain during menopause and what are the risks?

Asked a year ago

Good day to all,

I'm 51 years old, and according to my doctor, I seem to be entering menopause. I guess it's only natural, so I'm not too stressed about it - not like I'll miss having periods, right ladies? The one thing I am slightly worried about though is joint pain. I've always been quite physically active, so I never had any significant pain-related issues, and I'm not too excited about this change.

My question is - how common is it really, and what does it depend on?

Babafemi Adebajo

Babafemi Adebajo

Wednesday, March 08, 2023

A systematic review of papers about perimenopausal women revealed that about 71% of women experiencing menopause are at risk of developing some form of musculoskeletal pain. It is generally due to the depletion of oestrogen levels as menopause sets in. Excess body weight and sugary meals may also contribute to the pain.

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