What’s the best CBD to take for my joints in my knees, my hands, and lower back issues from repetitive strain? - Cannabotech

What’s the best CBD to take for my joints in my knees, my hands, and lower back issues from repetitive strain?

Asked 3 years ago

I'm not sure where to start. I suffer terribly with my joints my knees and especially my hands (I’m a beauty therapist so it definitely Repetitive Strain Injury). I also suffer from lower back issues; it could be siatica or long term damage from epidurals, I heard that give you back problems after about 10 years 🤷‍♀️ Which CBD [roduct can yo recommend I take?

Osasere Okunloye

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

You have to know what is the actual problem first. However, CBD may be able to ease your pain. You can take full-spectrum CBD with additional pain relief ingredients like oil, menthol, camphor, ginger, turmeric etc. Start with a low dose then gradually increase until you find your suitable dose.

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