Is it possible to buy CBD salt for my salt vape pen? - Cannabotech

Is it possible to buy CBD salt for my salt vape pen?

Asked 3 years ago

I have a salt vape pen, and I wondered if I would be able to find some CBD salt to use with it. Does anyone know if I can get any, and if so, where?

Joel Taylor

Monday, May 10, 2021

From what I could find, specified CBD salt for salt vape pens is not a thing yet. However, it appears that most liquids and mods for vapes and e-juices are fairly interchangeable. The worst-case scenario here is that if you use a little bit of your normal CBD juice in your vape pen, you might not get the entire concentration of CBD into your body.

Most people seem to suggest mixing a little CBD juice (or even concentrated CBD isolate) with your nic salts in order to counterbalance the two. Certain vapes work better with certain viscosities of juices, but it's not as if the whole setup isn't going to work just because your juice didn't have the right viscosity.

This might require some prior experimentation first in order to get right, but you can be pretty confident that you aren't going to break your vape pen or waste a bunch of money on CBD products unnecessarily.

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