What Does Full-Spectrum Mean? - Cannabotech CBD Questions & Answers

What Does Full-Spectrum Mean?

Read more about what full-spectrum CBD is made from, what entourage effect is, and how it compares to broad-spectrum and CBD Isolate.

By Petal Mashraki
Edited by Taj Schlebusch

Published April 19, 2021.

Full-spectrum CBD is made using the flowers, stems, and leaves of the hemp plant. It contains all of the beneficial components, including CBD, THC, other cannabinoids, plus flavonoids, and terpenes. When you take full-spectrum CBD, all of these components work together to create the "entourage effect" a magical interaction that some believe is more powerful than CBD on its own.

Full-spectrum is one of three main types of CBD, together with CBD isolate (containing only CBD), and broad-spectrum (extracted from the whole hemp plant but without the THC).

Some research shows that full-spectrum is the preferred form of CBD because it is less processed and the combination of CBD and THC working together may be more effective than CBD on its own. Others advise not to ingest full-spectrum because of the THC content.

Full-spectrum only contains trace amounts of THC (less than 0.3%), but some people still worry about getting "high". Although this is technically not possible because of the low THC content, products and reactions to full-spectrum vary. Therefore, if you need to take a drug test it is recommended to stick to broad-spectrum or CBD isolate.