Is Lion's Mane before bed beneficial for sleep and how can I take it? - Cannabotech

Is Lion's Mane before bed beneficial for sleep and how can I take it?

Asked 4 years ago

Is there an optimum way to do so or should I just eat them? Can I eat lion's mane at night to help with my insomnia? Does lion's mane make you sleepy at all?

Joel Taylor

Monday, July 05, 2021

Studies are still being done on the effects of Lion's Mane at the moment, but one study found that orally ingested lion's mane mushrooms had potential benefits on sleep and insomnia due to a decrease in anxiety and depression.

For the best possible results, you might want to consider taking CBD and lion's mane together.

Osasere Okunloye

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

According to experts, Lion's mane may have the potential to improve sleep quality without making the individual drowsy. Although no study has confirmed that Lion's mane can be used to treat insomnia, there is a big chance that it can help alleviate its possible causes like anxiety and depression. You can eat Lion's mane if you like the taste and texture.

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