All-Natural vs. Chemical Anti-ageing Skincare Products - Cannabotech CBD Questions & Answers

All-Natural vs. Chemical Anti-ageing Skincare Products

There are many skincare products available, but which should you go for? See our comparison of natural vs chemical anti-ageing skincare products here.

Anju Mobin - Writer for Cannabotech
By Anju Mobin

Published March 1, 2023.

Natural skincare products are gaining popularity over chemical-based products, due to their numerous benefits and limited side effects. Natural skincare products, as the name suggests, are formulated with ingredients sourced from nature. Chemical-based products usually contain synthetic ingredients that mimic naturally-occurring substances but may cause unwanted adverse reactions.

Many skincare companies often use a mixture of chemical and natural ingredients in their products.

Benefits of Natural Skincare Products Over Chemical

Natural Antioxidants

Skincare products made of organically grown plants have a higher level of antioxidants than their non-organic counterparts. Natural skincare products contain antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, and E, as well as green tea, functional mushrooms, and other similar components. These antioxidants prevent pigmentation and help reduce the signs of ageing.

Absence of Harsh Chemicals

Natural skincare products do not contain any harsh chemicals that cause irritation or skin problems, which can be more gentle on your skin. This is especially true for those who are predisposed to skin irritation, such as individuals prone to psoriasis flare-ups.

Better Protection Against Ageing

Chemically-infused skincare products can dry out your skin and cause premature ageing. Natural skincare products, on the other hand, are rich in plant-based oils which protect your skin from pollution, sun, and wind as well as keep it moisturised and hydrated. Your skin will remains youthful, firm, and elastic for longer.

» Looking for great natural skincare products? See our Anti-ageing Cream and Anti-ageing Serum

Are Natural Skincare Products Worth It?

Natural skincare products are ideal for protecting your skin against ageing as they offer similar (if not more) benefits to chemical products with far less risk attached. While they may be costlier in general, they are definitely worth it if you wish to keep your skin youthful and bright for longer.