Are there any risks associated with drinking hot chocolate before bed? - Cannabotech

Are there any risks associated with drinking hot chocolate before bed?

Asked a year ago

Hello all. I have a teenager who loves drinking hot chocolate before bed, and she asks for it at least twice a week. You know how difficult teenagers can be in this period; it's hard to deny them something when they are finally being sweet and asking nicely.

However, I don't want to risk my child's health, so I need to know if I may be harming my daughter. Is it bad for a child to drink hot chocolate before bed? What could I offer her instead? Would chocolate milk be a better option? Thank you for any advice.

Damon Carrillo

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Generally, drinking hot chocolate before bed is safe for most people. The only consideration would be that if it has a high caffeine and sugar content, it may affect your daughter's sleep. In some people, it may also cause lactose intolerance and allergies. If you help your daughter choose low or no-caffeine chocolate, monitor her sugar intake, and avoid allergies, taking hot chocolate should be fine.

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